Will Remote Learning Ever Replace Traditional Classrooms?

Will Remote Learning Ever Replace Traditional Classrooms?

Remote learning is getting famous day by day. The pandemic has made it a need of the hour. In the start, everyone faced problems related to remote learning. But now everything is clear, and remote learning has becoming convenient for everyone. There are lots of features in the remote learning aspect. This includes communication through emails, audio, and video meetings. Students can interact with each other, and with their teachers as well. Whereas in the case of traditional learning, classroom is the only way of interacting with anyone. According to experts of assignment writing services, traditional classrooms are best for those students whose visual memory is good. Such students also perform well in practical working.

There is no doubt that remote learning has lots of benefits. In remote learning, there is no need to get up early, get ready, or travel for reaching the class. You can also learn in a comfortable environment. Irrespective of these benefits, remote learning cannot replace traditional classrooms. In emergencies, remote learning can work very well. But traditional classrooms have their own charm and set of facilities which cannot be replaced. The interaction, and question-answer sessions are only possible in traditional classrooms. So do you think remote learning can replace traditional classrooms? If you think this is possible, you might be wrong. To show you why, let’s discuss how remote learning cannot replace traditional classrooms.

Life Skills

Remote learning has remained the demand of current situation. It is being practiced in many sectors as of now. But everyone has noticed a clear difference between remote learning, and the traditional classrooms. This is because school-level helps a lot in improving different skills. These skills include life skills as well. Examples of these include communication, and dealing through different ways. Classrooms also provide a good opportunity for building up a social circle. It should be noted that one cannot achieve these milestones through remote learning. Also, in institutes, students can take part in different co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities. These activities help the students in improving their IQ, as well as EQ level.

High-Quality Standards of Technology

Remote learning has shown its high-quality standard in the phase of Covid-19 pandemic. There’s no doubt that it remained very helpful. It usage of technology has great worth in the educational system as well. But it doesn’t mean that it can replace traditional learning. Because remote learning is beneficial in the means of cost-effectiveness, and time-saving. Also, it facilitates through increased comfortability. In short, remote learning has benefits related to technology. But traditional classrooms benefit in the form of character building, values, and ethics. Even in the face of so many technical advancements, traditional classrooms would not lose their worth.

Areas of Importance

Remote learning has important aspects that aren’t covered by traditional learning. Similarly, traditional learning has its own important aspects. And these cannot be replaced by remote learning. Many countries have started remote learning during the surge of Covid-19 pandemic. With this practice, it has become easy to save on the travel, living, and rental expenses. In traditional learning, you have to pay for these at any cost. But on the other hand, traditional classrooms offer full attention of the teachers. And they provide a proper study environment as well. Time management, and punctuality are also among the many benefits of traditional classes. Whereas remote learning fails to offer these facilities.


With so many facilities, remote learning also comes with many distractions. In traditional learning, when the class ends, students usually discuss lecture problems with each other. This way, they explore more. And it also becomes easy to clarify any issues on the spot. But in the case of remote learning, when class ends, students start browsing other social platforms. Because of this, remote learning is not considered as an ideal method of learning/teaching.

But in the current situation of pandemics, no one can deny the aid brought about by remote learning. Failure to ensure remote learning means putting the educational process at a stop. This can be dangerous for the future of youth. So irrespective of these interruptions, remote learning is considered supportive within the current situation.

Internet Accessibility

For remote learning, availability of the internet and Google I/O is very important. Any disconnection will cause a great deal of problems. In the case of traditional classrooms, you don’t have to face such issues. If you don’t have smart gadgets, it would not be a big deal. If you don’t have a laptop, you can go to the computer lab. But for remote learning, you have to arrange these things on your own.

Many students cannot afford laptops, smartphones, and other gadgets at once. Some students manage the purchase of these gadgets. Then they have to face data issues as well. This can cause stress for many students. At the same time, traditional learning keeps you away from stress. These aspects of remote learning, and traditional classroom show that both have their own pros and cons. Yet it can be said that traditional classrooms are way better than remote learning due to their many benefits. And that remote learning cannot replace those in the near future.